Maroon Outdoor Education Centre (MOEC) is operated by the Queensland Department of Education and Training. The centre is located on the shores of Lake Maroon south-west of Brisbane in the foothills of the Scenic Rim near the township of Boonah. Maroon Outdoor Education Centre has been providing unique learning opportunities in outdoor and adventurous settings to teachers and students throughout Queensland since 1975. MOEC is committed to providing every individual with memorable and valuable learning experiences. The purpose of the centre is to support and provide the implementation of high-quality outdoor education programs to the Department of Education and Training students and staff.
Along with their commitment to outdoor education MOEC are very focussed on sustainability so when they were investigating a solar system, they ideally wanted a solar system that would not only help offset their energy costs but also offset as much Carbon as possible over the life of the system. To do this a high-quality system was recommended and specifically LG panels which provide the longest product warranties in the marketplace with very sound financial backing. This combined with the fact that LG panels are highly efficient meant that the savings in both dollar terms and carbon will be secured for the long term. Since inception in early 2020 the system has saved 36.33 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent or approximately 1,217 equivalent trees planted. To learn more about MOEC and sustainability please click on the video below:

The 86 LG Neon2 350W solar panels are connected via 86 SolarEdge DC Optimisers to 1 x SolarEdge 3-Phase inverters. The Optimisers are small electronic devices installed beneath each solar panel that enable panel-level monitoring and ensures each module panel is continually kept at maximum power point. Electricity losses due to mismatch or partial shading conditions are also kept to a minimum through the use of SolarEdge Optimisers. Additionally, this SolarEdge system also provides a superior level of safety. The DC-DC optimisers revert to ‘extra low voltage’ when the system is switched off during daylight hours. If an accident occurs, the system will automatically isolate to safe mode once the communications link is breached or the system is shutdown. This allows firefighters to operate safely and use water to push back a flame front.
The Solar Hybrids team designed the system, procured the components, and project-managed the build from start to finish, ensuring a safe and successful implementation of the highest quality system with minimal disruption to Maroon Outdoor Education operations.
If you’re a business and considering a Solar Power project today, please contact us for a free feasibility offer to see how much you could save on your energy costs.